people all over the world, join hands.

Sep 22, 2004 19:35

I had a crazy-good day today. So much good stuff happened and it was just fab. Cody picked me up around 8:15ish this morning and we went and ate breakfast with a bunch of the seniors that I don't ever hang out with , like ever. There was like 12 of us I think. It was kinda awkward at first cause theyre all friends but it was fun. We all ended up getting back to school at like 9:20, and I had Mom write me a note so it was excused and that was splendid. We got interims and I offically suck ass like whoa in AFM and Honors Chemistry, so I need to work on my grades. But cuz of testing ish today, we were only in Chemistry for 45 minutes and she moved the test to TUESDAY YESSSSS! So excited. Then R&R was just super fun cause everyone was hyper as crap for some reason and we were in the auditorium dancing for most of the period. Cody showed us some of the choreography for "Puttin on the Ritz" and its SO COOL. And for "Put A Little Love in Your Heart" we get to go out into the audience and dance at the end and its gonna be so great, I can't wait. English was cool today too. We got our corrected summer essays back and Mrs. Craven read mine to the class *blushes* It was one of my more emotional pieces..about my Dad...but she said it made her wanna cry so I guess I did a good job lol. I wore my Beatles shirt today and lots of people complemented me on it so that was word. People that like the Beatles are KEWL.
Oh! I got my picture for Senior Superlatives! They don't tell you for which one though, so that kinda sucks, but I'm pretty sure its for "Creates their own Style" or some ish like that. Woot.
Mrs.Howard wants me to be CHA CHA when we do Grease. GIIIIIIRL BYE. She crazy.
I work 5-11 tomorrow. How bad does that suck. Go to school 8:40-3:35 then work 5-11. Ewwwwww.
"I wanna seeeeee it when you find out what comets, stars, and moons are all about!" yay for Built to Spill <333
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