So folks know...

Feb 27, 2006 08:04

...if I seem a little bit out-of-sorts today, it's because...

1) It was raining this morning. Just pissy sprinkling at first, but as I was standing on the BART platform, the clouds decided that they'd have more fun spreading wide and giving us a good, old-fashioned downpour. Thanks, clouds. Thanks a lot. I'm barefoot, not because I want to be, but because my shoes are totally full of water.

2) This was made more vexing by the fact that I woke up sick today. Oh, goodie. I'm suffering muscle fatigue (beyond the 'oh my dear gods I'm sore' aspect of things), and it hurts to swallow. There's also a spiffy-keen sort of pressure in my chest, which hints at bronchial problems to come. Glee and rapture. I started the morning with Jamba Juice, loaded to the gills with 'make me not die' boosts, and I'm going to sip chicken broth throughout the day, but I am not happy.

3) Oh, and that muscle fatigue? The big muscles in both my thighs still feel like they've been attacked by angry chickens, pecked to within an inch of their lives, and then left in the desert to die. I understand that a good workout should leave you with some muscle fatigue, but this is simply idiotic, and I don't approve.

4) Finally, my work computer has lost its tiny mind. I've rebooted four times, and I still can't get a damn thing done. It's not cool, it's not funny, and it's not stopping.


That is all.

illness, crankiness, work, ducks

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