Happy Winterthing!

Dec 25, 2005 11:59

I am up, awake, and baking veggies, prepatory to Jeanne getting here and wisking me away to spend dinner with her family. I intend to put on clothes before then, as 'Halloween boxer shorts and a wifebeater' don't really say 'seasons greetings' to most people who aren't me.

All the best of this glorious winter to all of you; know that you are loved, know that the world is full of wonders, and know that the sky is full of stars. The shadows of the Babylon Wood may be dark, but they are also welcoming, and you are welcome here, with me, in the darkness cast beneath these trees. I am richer for knowing you, and poorer for the distance stretched between us.

Also, I have pumpkin ice cream, so you should really come over.

Love ya; later!

babylon wood, mellowness, self, good things, friends

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