Day of dayness.

Nov 05, 2005 17:35

I am at the home of Rey and the Cat; we have disassembled a good portion of what used to be their living room, and have moved it into what used to be the spare bedroom, but is now the office. This means that I can no longer co-opt computers while other people use the DDR pads (bad), but also that there's a lot more space for human interaction (good).

Following this, Cat and I played DDR for an hour and a half while Lila looked on. Now, it should be noted that both Cat and I tend to shed articles of clothing as we DDR; we start out bundled up like happy little snowmen, and wind up effectively naked, sweaty, and thrashing around like Velma and Roxie, sans guns. Well, usually sans guns.

Today's episode of 'Cat and Seanan Delight the Fanboys of the World by Playing DDR In Their Underpants' was brought to you by Jim Henson Productions, as I was dancing in my Cookie Monster undies, while Cat was in her Animal undies. We want food, and we want women. This is the truth revealed by our knickers.

It says something about my friendship with Cat that she's in the room as I write this; she knows exactly what this entry says; she knows that people she'll never meet now know exactly what is clinging to her ass at this very moment; and she's laughing and okay with it. Ladies and gentlemen, this is the quality of woman the clone chain attracts. Get your own clone. We pretty much just rule.

Tonight, I will have Outback and pumpkin pie-flavoured frozen yogurt, and the goodness that is my life will continue to increase.

Rock on.

cleaning, ddr, good things, clones, friends

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