My name is Eliza; I live by the river.
My daughter Louise will be three in July.
If July ever comes; it’s beginning to feel
Like the water will never surrender the field.
Everyone knows
Rivers will swell
But they always find money
They always find money
They always find
Money for floods...
-- 'Money for Floods', Richard Shindell.I am very
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I confuse Merav with my insistence on going to six grocery stores, usually on foot, to get what's on sale, what's cheap over here, what consistantly lasts longer. Why not just buy everything here, so that you're done? Because my time is worth less than having the chance to eat tomorrow, that's why.
On your addition: ouch. And yes.
So I'm a little of each, with a bent towards thinking poor. Though I have developed the rich person's habit of trading money for convenience. I suspect that comes of not having kids yet.
Yes. They want to believe they deserve what they have, plus there's fear -- if they deserve what they have and are in control, then they won't somehow lose it all.
(Here via wispfox. Thank you, cadhla.)
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