What is 'A Phouka Walks Into A Bar'?

Jul 06, 2005 11:28

Since it's been pointed out to me that, well, it's been a while, here's a quick primer:

What is 'A Phouka Walks Into A Bar'?
APWiaB is my semi-kinda-occasionally-weekly humour column, which I started writing sometime in 1995, although all columns prior to 1997 were lost in a disc crash. It has been sent out, at various points in its existance, twice monthly, once weekly, twice weekly, or even three times weekly; it has also stopped publication for upwards of six months at a time, with no warning. APWiaB includes movie reviews, adventures in cuisine, travelogues, and other slices of my life, written up in a longer and more polished form than your average LJ entry. Rather than being a diary, it is, in a weird way, journalism.

That sounds neat! How do I get one?
APWiaB is distributed only via email at the present time; I maintain a list. To subscribe, send me an email -- my LJ is paid, so you can use 'journalname@livejournal.com' to reach me -- saying that you'd like to be included, and giving the email address that you want me to use.

That's too much work.
Them's the rules.

That sounds awful! You're not going to send me this, are you?
Only if you request it. The reason I require people to subscribe themselves is simple: in 1996, I had someone sign up several of their friends -- I was young and foolish, and allowed it -- and then got accused of spamming when one of them decided he didn't like the column. I save all subscription requests, as proof that yes, once upon a time, you asked for this.

Will you give out my email address?
No. I have never sold the APWiaB list (which is over 2,500 individual subscribers), and never will.

Will you send me spam?
All you will receive from me is the column, which, at the height of its volume, went out three times weekly. No more.

And now you know.


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