I am...awake. Despite best intentions, Lilly didn't come to work with me today, because she was busy being possessed by demons. Eeeeevil little kitty. Evil like a very evil thing. But! Today is Thursday; I get
porpentine, a trip to the comic book store, a new episode of 'The O.C.', a midnight showing of 'Sin City', and tomorrow off work for Cesar Chavez's birthday. Life is not entirely bad.
Oh, and also, I get paid today.
I will be picking up the first trade paperback of 'District X', because I am a sad, sad little monkey. I really appreciate the speed with which Marvel is releasing all their new titles in trade paperback, and really wish DC would take a hint and start doing the same. I'm phasing out monthlies more and more, because TPBs are kinder to my shelf space.
stakebait is possibly coming to see me in September; this fills me with glee and pep, since I haven't seen her since January. Now I just need to steal
ohimesamamama and we'll be in business. Who wants to help me kidnap a clone?
Here's a challenge for y'all, the reasons for which will be revealed later today or tomorrow: what are the ten most unlikely/surreal/possibly brain-breaking 'Veronica Mars' crossovers you can think of? Go for the weird, you know you want to. I'll be watching this space for developments.