So, tonight...

Dec 23, 2004 12:54

Chris is fetching me from work (we're getting off blessedly early today), and we'll be going from here to a variety of exciting errands, including (but not necessarily limited to) swinging by the Mattel Outlet Store on Diamond Blvd., going to San Ramon to drop in on Rey and the Cat, visiting Flying Colours for the weekly comic book pick-up, my Weight Watcher's meeting, dinner, and at least the initial stabs at getting my packing done.

So far, I know that I'm bringing my PS2 memory card (for Katamari Damacy), the Fables graphic novels (for my beloved Mer to borrow), a great deal of art supplies (so I can finish some of the things I have pending -- my current job really doesn't afford a reasonable space for drawing even during my lunch hour), my Seanik shampoo (don't leave home without it!), the bottle of Flying Fox (mmmmmmmmm honeysuckle goodness), Pandora the stuffed penguin, my songbook, and spare batteries for my discman. If there's anything I'm supposed to be bringing you from California, now is totally the time to sing out.

Oh, yeah. And clothes.

Currently, I'm trying to suss what I want to bring for reading material. I know I want some King -- I'm flip-flopping between 'IT', 'The Stand', 'On Writing' and 'The Green Mile' -- but the rest is up in the air. 'Fire and Hemlock' has been suggested; I'm considering 'The 10th Kingdom' (which I now have two copies of, having found the American edition used at my local Half-Price Books). I've done my turn through the collection of ebola books too recently for that to be a viable option, although I find myself sadly tempted by doing yet another re-read on 'Bitten' and 'Stolen'. Yes, I am sad. 'Deep Secret', 'Rose Daughter' and 'Howl's Moving Castle' are also on the table.

What do you think I want to read?

shopping, travel, chris, to do, weight watchers, book slut

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