Friday was day one of the Lady Mondegreen rehearsal weekend. In attendence (as LMG) were me,
ladymondegreen (Merav),
batyatoon (Batya) and
storychaser (Allyssa), making us officially the largest LMG rehearsal pretty much ever. In attendence but not LMG were
akawil (Jon) and
sdelmonte (Alex), the group SOs. Later in the weekend we would be joined by
camwyn (Jess), vicious knitter of socks.
But that's later.
We open on a hot and muggy Friday afternoon. I grumbled and packed and grumbled and whinged and generally carried on, as I am wont to do when I have to go somewhere and would rather stay home. Still, I got on the road in decent time -- Avram walked me to the Path station, passed my backpacks over the turnstile, and I was off.
Jon met me at the Manhattan Mall, although a slight unclarity of directions (I'm still not native) meant that I wound up on the wrong floor for a while, and went mooching through the Kay*Bee. From there, we proceeded to Union Station to meet up with Merav and Allyssa, and grab some food before we moved along. Mmmmmmm, brisket sandwich.
Public transit in New York is vast and varied. We took multiple subway lines to reach the bus to take the bus several miles, to get off and walk. At the other end, bright and shining, we found Batya and Alex. Yaaay!
And the rehearsal began.
There's something vaguely sad about the beginning of a rehearsal; your last memory of these people is almost sure to have been formed when you sounded good, tight and solid. Coming back together and discovering that the seams have slipped due to being apart is painful. But watching those seams tighten up again...damn, that's a sweet thing.
We sang and had Shabbos dinner. Sang and argued about arrangement. Sang and discussed. And sang. And then it was insane o'clock in the morning and we went to bed. I was 'sleeping' on the air mattress in the living room, with Jon. 'Sleeping' is a very charitable term. Mostly, I dozed and whimpered.
And then it was Saturday. I'll continue this later...