Melissa Etheridge: mmmmmmmm, yeah.

Aug 16, 2002 23:46

So I'm just home from the concert -- the one that I made myself all pretty for -- and I'm sky-high. Elisa picked me up at my place at around 7:15 PM for a concert that was supposed to start (opening act) at 7:30 PM. The concert hall (the Concord Pavilion) is only like ten minutes from my house, so that was all right.

What wasn't all right was that we didn't actually have tickets. So we decided to drive up to the box office and see whether they still had anything in the cheap/mid-range tickets left, and if they did, fine, and if they didn't, we'd go see a movie or something. It'd be an exciting Friday night adventure either way, and if you can't go to a concert you have no tickets for when you're young and silly, when can you?

Elisa dropped me off and I went up to see whether or not there were still tickets available...only to be handed two pieces of paper and told that I could redeem them for three dollar tickets at the next window over. Um. Okay?

No one else had these pieces of paper. They weren't flyering the area. They were just handed to me, by a blonde woman in khaki pants who was either really, really tan or partially Native American. She was pretty -- I'm a lot less shy about studying the other dykes at these sort of things -- and I was stunned, so I just took the papers and went to the next window.

She wasn't kidding. Two three dollar tickets for the middle of the auditorium. Not 'omigawd I can see her sweat' seats, but not nosebleed seats, either. I even had the six bucks in cash; for some god-awful reason I hadn't emptied the pockets of my jeans the way that I always do before leaving the house, so I had a crumpled five and a dollar coin that I didn't remember having. No other money, not even pennies...but enough for the tickets.

Thank you, Coyote. Yes, I know I should get out more. Does that mean that we have to abandon subtlety?

I hadn't eaten, so I bought some chicken strips and fries with my credit card (nummm) while Elisa smoked a cigarette. My food cost more than our tickets had, which tickled me utterly. Our seats turned out to have an excellent view of two of the viewscreens, so we didn't miss anything about the concert -- and my little sister was there with her new girlfriend, who's a definite hottie, so I got to mock them.

The concert was...oh, wow. Just wow. She sang almost all my favourite songs of hers -- I could have assembled that set list. She sang a new song called 'Secret Agent' that I am so stealing for a character soundtrack (either Jan or Judy, not sure which) the second it's commercially available. She did three encores. The air was sizzling and cool and bright, and the sunset was beautiful, and all around me, girls kissed girls and women held hands and nobody cared.

It's nice to be part of the majority sometimes, y'know?

My blood is buzzing -- I can't stop thinking, can't stop twitching, can't sleep yet. I'll sleep soon, but not yet. And my nails are still screaming seventeen on Sunday red, and a cute brunette with a soft New Orleans accent said that my breasts were lovely...

It was a good Friday night.

surrealism, life rocks, concerts, good things

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