Sleepy sexy entry.

Jul 24, 2002 08:27

Before you ask: yes, my alarm clock once again failed to go off. I'll be buying a new one shortly. Right now, I'm just trying to wake up enough to go to work.

Last night I dreamed I was at a grand ball with every significant other I've ever had -- the ones I left and the ones that left me, the ones that died and the ones that just pretended. I was wearing a silk and shattered lace dress in phoenix colours, and I danced with every one of them; and Tom kissed me like I was falling, and Maine fed me strawberries that tasted like forever.

Sometimes loneliness isn't a problem: sometimes it's the world. I woke up automatically reaching for the person that I just knew was in the bed with me, because they wouldn't all come to visit me like that and then leave me alone, would they? But there was no one there but Nyssa, not even Miriam, who used to sleep with her knees against the same exact part of my back.

When I got up, dazed and sleepy, I found this link sitting on my friends page, and I smiled.

Yes, exactly.

dating, dreams, contemplation

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