Sponsorship: Lost Violet!

Apr 30, 2014 10:14

Today's blog entry was brought to you by the lovely and charming Lost Violet, the last time (so many moons ago) that I needed to fundraise through sponsorships. I know, right? I haven't forgotten the remaining dates, I'm just...slow, sometimes. Things happen. I am trying to get on top of them, though.

But enough about me. Let's discuss Lost Violet.

This is a woman who loves Disney as much as I do, hearing the siren song of the Mouse even as she's leaving the Park to head for home. She is charming, witty, sweet, and a devoted friend to the people that she loves. My life is enriched beyond naming for having her in it; she makes things better just by being around.

Lost Violet is one of the most generous, useful, practical people I know, and I am enormously grateful to know her.

This is your day, Lost Violet!

Happy day!

sponsorships, good things, friends

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