Sponsor me going to look at NILE CROCODILES!

Nov 09, 2011 08:07

I have finally, lo these many moons after the fact, finished burning all the way through my store of sponsorships. And because I am a silly blonde, and because this is one of my primary excuses for doing things like writing Velveteen stories, and because I want to look at crocodiles, I am taking sponsorships again.

Sponsorship for what, now?

I'm going to Disney World! And while I'm there, I'd really like to go to the ALLIGATOR KINGDOM and see their famous Nile crocodiles, which are, you know, large and crocodile-y and really want to eat me. I need to save an average of $6.00 per day to pay for this. Since the last time I was trying something nuts, I did sponsorships, I figured it couldn't hurt to try again.

How much are sponsorships?

Minimum $6.00 for a day; if you want to throw more I, and the crocodiles, will thank you.

So I can sponsor a short story?

No, you can sponsor a day. I decided that the first sponsors should get something for their money. Hence "Velveteen vs...", which has been insanely fun to write. Other people have gotten poetry, birthday greetings, or just an enthusiastic "THANK YOU!!!"

What if I don't want to sponsor a day, and I want to sponsor an installment of Velveteen instead?

Bribery. Cookies. Negotiation. Contact me.

How do I sponsor a day?

I can take non-CC PayPal at delirium at xocolatl dot com; all other methods, contact me. Also, please contact me first, as I don't want to double-sponsor any days (and yes, I write them all down as they come in, because again, funny).

Even if I don't make enough to pay for CROCODILES, I'll honor all sponsorships, because that is how my brain works. Basically, I am asking for an excuse to write more superhero madness and bizarre poetry. It's like a holiday gift for everybody!



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