Jul 27, 2011 11:46
Blow me to someplace that I've never been;
I'm not a rich girl, and I'm not a queen.
Let me learn things that I might never know.
Blow me to Fairyland, blow, you winds, blow.
Tired of tomatoes and tired of farms,
Wishing for wishes and waiting for charms.
I stumbled and staggered, I found a new door
In a place where a door never opened before-
And the land it revealed was a place new and strange,
Where I could be different-where futures could change,
And all that I wanted was there to be claimed.
If I chose to stay, well, how could I be blamed?
Ash trees for grandeur and aloe for grief.
Nightshade casts silence enough for a thief.
Build me a house out of shadows and sticks,
Good honest wood lain on good honest brick,
And leave me to learn in a place I can know,
Letting the farms and the fathers all go.
I will make me a place with the strength of my hands,
And I will not yield to unwanted commands,
For I've suffered enough-let this be my reward.
Let this peace be the thing I have bled to afford.
Clover for industry, crocus for mirth,
Cress for stability, bind me to earth.
Give me the strength to be all that I must,
Give me the hands I can cling to and trust,
And I'll be the girl I am bidden to be,
Only let me cleave tight as a branch to a tree.
Only let me remain here, forever and longer,
Each day growing wiser, each day growing stronger,
And I will be better than all those before,
The girl who was chosen to fall through a door...
Straw for a union, and vetch to hold fast.
Mallow for sweetness. May all sweetness last.
Blow me to someplace that I've never been;
I'm not a rich girl, and I'm not a queen.
Let me learn things that I might never know.
Blow me to Fairyland, blow, you winds, blow.
You never can harvest unless you first sow.
Blow me to Fairyland, blow, you winds, blow.