One blonde, going slowly mad.

Jul 29, 2009 11:14

So wow. Sleep? Sleep is something that no longer happens around here. Just in case you were wondering what I'd been doing with myself, it hasn't been sleeping.

Various people have commented on my recent scarceness, with varying degrees of alarm. I'm really sorry to worry folks. I'm posting more regularly on seanan_mcguire, not because I'm trying to be all "professional" and isolationist, but because right now, my days are basically...

5AM: Get up.
7AM: Get to work.
4PM: Leave work.
6PM: Start writing.
9PM: Say I'm going to bed.
10 to 11PM: Go to bed.

...repeat without end. Things are a little over-booked in Casa Me these days. Rosemary and Rue [Amazon]|[Mysterious Galaxies] comes out in thirty-three days, and my promotion and publicity for the book is in full swing; A Local Habitation [Amazon]|[Mysterious Galaxies] comes out in seven months (and don't I wish that felt like it was further away?). I'm currently in the process of rewriting Feed fast enough to qualify me for some sort of a land-speed record, waiting for the page proofs for A Local Habitation, and writing Blackout, The Brightest Fell, and Discount Armageddon. Oh, and WorldCon is in a week. And then comes my book release. And then comes OVFF and World Fantasy.

Sometimes I look at my schedule and it makes me want to cry like a little girl.

I miss this blog. I miss you all. I miss having time to keep up with Livejournal and not feeling like my pants were in danger of repossession by the government due to having been in bankruptcy for too long. But right now, I'm so over-booked that I'm over-libraried.

I'll be back when I can.

schedule, toby, panic attack, stress, ducks

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