Iron Poet XII, Batch VII.

May 29, 2009 18:55

Hello, and welcome to the seventh batch of poems written for round twelve of Iron Poet, the game where you give me three words and then go off to do something else while I slog through the roughly thirty thousand requests to give you a poem. Okay, not really, but sometimes it can feel that way. Please note that some rounds of Iron Poet can take a very long time to finish- Iron Poet X ran from May 2006 to October 2007-so don't worry if your request seems to be taking a while; I get to them all eventually. It's just sometimes very eventual. I do poem round-ups every so often, to help keep people from missing anything.

Today's poems include:

* Silver Star for ginkage. (Rhyming verse.)
* A Jack's Lament for soberloki. (Iambic quatrains.)
* Jukebox Girl for palmer_kun. (Rhyming verse.)
* Threnody for wyldirishtric. (Structured rhyming verse.)
* Night for kitanzi. (Free verse.)
* Titania's Lullaby for faireblondie. (Rhyming verse.)
* Sweet Kathleen for hvideo. (Shel Silverstein verse.)
* Departure for stakebait. (Rhyming verse.)
* Morticia's Request On A Sunday Afternoon In July for ceosanna. (Silly rhyming verse.)
* On the Wind for roadnotes. (Sonnet.)
* Stardust for allie_meril. (Free verse.)
* Broken for veilofire. (Fairy tale girls.)
* A Message to NASA for elishabet. (Free verse.)
* Mission Statement for hms42. (Doggerel verse.)
* Just Saying for bercilakslady. (Free verse.)
* Song of the Left-Behind for joecoustic. (Rhyming verse.)
* La Belle Dame's Song for tarkrai. (Rhyming verse.)
* Of Evening for penprickle. (Sonnet.)
* Ghosts of the Future for exapno. (Free verse.)
* Roland in the Clearing for herefox. (Free verse.)

This round is CLOSED to new submissions. There is currently no estimate for when the next round may open.

poetry, iron poet

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