Thursday is fired, plus five amazing people.

Jan 23, 2009 07:53

So yesterday? Yesterday is so, so completely fired, from the 'so tired I literally fell out of bed slapping for my alarm clock' to 'creepy guy follows me to the art store' and 'art store is entirely out of the damn card blanks that I'm looking for.' About the only good things about Thursday were Indian food, Kate, and the Winchester brothers, and while these are all amazingly good things, they weren't enough to cancel out the mountains of suck. Looking around, I see that I am not the only one who spent yesterday buried beneath a mountain of suck; yesterday contained sufficient suck to basically function as an industrial vacuum cleaner.

So I am officially firing yesterday, and declaring today to be a no-sucking zone. In the interests of actually enforcing this no-sucking zone, here are five people who make my life not-suck on a regular basis, either through immediate proximity, or by being willing to put up with my buckets of bizarre:

* Kate. You knew this was coming, but it still bears saying. Kate is funny, sweet, generous, practical, sensible, crazy when she wants to be, and fully capable of treating me like a cat toy one minute and refusing to allow me to destroy the planet with dinosaurs the next. She tolerates my patterns, and has learned to leave the room quickly when I suddenly fix on the ceiling and say, calmly, that she ought to go now. She'd stand a very good chance of surviving a horror movie. I give Kate a golden chainsaw for unadulterated awesome.

* Vixy. Again, probably expected, but again, entirely true. Vixy makes my world better by being a part of it. She's my favorite Igor, and if I ever get a secret lair on Skullcrusher Mountain, she'll be right there pulling levers with glee and abandon. And style. Mustn't forget the style. I'm coming up on the day that I'll have known her for five years, and there's this amazingly weird combination of 'that long?' and 'that short?' to it all, because I have known her forever, and I haven't known her for any time at all. I give Vixy a quantum supercollider. I'm sure she'll figure out something to do with it. Maybe she'll just give it to...

* Brooke. Because everybody needs a Canadian pharmacologist-slash-mad scientist who may one day unmake all creation using only a banjola, a squid, and an artificially innocent expression. She's my sister in orange, and she, for one, welcomes our new tentacled overlords. Brooke makes everything better, usually using science. What people sometimes miss, amazingly enough, is that she's also one of the nicest people out there, totally concerned with the happiness and well-being of her fellow man. I give Brooke a pan-dimensional banjo laser. For SCIENCE.

* Mia. People don't realize how much Mia gives, how freely, and how unquestioningly. She's a rabid wolverine when she's in a corner, and she's a cowbird when she's given room, loving her crazy cuckoo companions as much as she can manage. She's funny, acerbic, talented, lovely, and the most wonderful of all the wicked fairy apologists I know. (And believe me, I know more than a few of them.) Mia makes me proud to be a wicked girl, and prouder still to be a wicked girl with her. I give Mia an austoraptor that's been upgraded to our discussed specifications. And a really big stick.

* Tara. Tara is insane. Totally, unquestionably, in the best of ways, insane. The sort of ways that make your day better before you've even really realized that you needed it; the sort of ways that will talk about the smallest minutia of television shows and fictional worlds like they were the biggest deals in the universe. Tara is my friend, my graphic designer, my wailing wall, my mentor, and the only person I know who gets as excited as I do about Caf-Pow! Making her happy makes life better. I give Tara a silver labcoat, and some stompy boots, for forensic graphics design.

Who's awesome in your world today? Keep Friday from getting fired!

mia, tara, kate, good things, brooke, vixy, life rocks, friends

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