An assortment of bullet points, all relevant.

Nov 13, 2008 08:34

* MEDICAL: I still have back problems. This really shouldn’t be news to anyone who’s been here for more than fifteen minutes. On the plus side, we’ve got me on some new medications that seem to be working very, very well. Well enough, in fact, that my focus has been shot for the past several days because I didn’t know how to cope with the fact that I wasn’t actively in pain. I keep getting distracted by the fact that I don’t hurt, and seizing up as I wait for the suffering to begin. This is what we call ‘funny if you aren’t me.’

* FITNESS: So I bounced off my diet pretty hard during the whirlwind drama of ‘medical issues,’ ‘finishing half a dozen books,’ and ‘dealing with chronic pain.’ Not catastrophically hard, but when added to medically-mandated lack of exercise, enough to make a difference. Dr. C yelled at me when I saw her on Monday, and I went back to my Weight Watchers meetings last week. (Weight is not an aesthetic or social issue for me. It’s a medical issue. The more I weigh, the more I hurt. I dislike pain, I dislike depending on medication to not be in pain, ergo, and with no judgments on whatever weight my friends and family choose to be, I am in Weight Watchers.)

* MEDIA: The various X-titles are getting worrisomely cluttered, which makes me think we may be on-track for another ‘Seanan walks away from the X-universe for ten years’ explosion. At the same time, there are a lot of other titles that are sublimely worth reading, both in the stores -- The Boys and Hack/Slash leap immediately to mind -- and online. (Make sure to check out Finder and Girl Genius!) The current season of Supernatural is made of pure win, as are the current seasons of Dexter, True Blood, Bones, and Scream Queens.

* STEPHEN KING: His new anthology, Just After Sunset, came out on Tuesday. It’s made of raw awesome. Also, several of the stories are epic-creepy. Win.

* RECORDING: Jeff and I have one more session this coming Monday, during which we’re going to choose the fiddle tracks for ‘Oh, Michelle,’ and then it’s down to mixing and arrangement. Please, please, if you’re planning to pre-order, do it as soon as possible -- the pre-orders are what allow me to pay Jeff, and pay Oasis to press the disks.

* WRITING: Today is the six-month anniversary of the sale of Rosemary and Rue, and I am over the moon about it. Also, I finished the first major segment of The Mourning Edition, and Discount Armageddon is well-underway. For writing news, it’s really best to follow seanan_mcguire, where all such things are possible.

* LILLY: Completely out of her little fuzzy head.

What’s new with you?

jeff, lilly, good things, fitness, recording, writing, medical stuff, stephen king, toby, television, life rocks, comics

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