Monday already? Nnnnnngh.

Sep 15, 2008 06:44

Spent all day yesterday at the Solano Stroll, which was a genuine comedy of errors. First Autumn was running late. Then Kate and I were at the wrong end of the street (more than a mile away). Then Kate and I basically death-marched our way up Marin (paralleling the ginormous, traffic-stopping street fair) to meet Autumn and Steve at the other end. Kate doesn't really go in for covering a mile in less than fifteen minutes, when given a choice in the matter. Then we met up with Autumn and Steve, but they didn't have much time, and we still needed to wait for Victor and Lara. Then Victor and Lara arrived, but we never did find Autumn and Steve again...

Despite all these many horrible confusions, the day actually turned out to be lovely. The weather couldn't have been more perfect, that amazing late summer/early fall cool-turning-warm that we only get when we've been very, very good and maybe slipped Persephone a twenty to call up Hades for some phone sex. I managed not to acquire any unnecessary crap, but did consume kettle corn and roasted corn, making it a very corn-centric day.

Lara continues to luxuriate in the fact that she can actually breathe here in our strange California air: the air of a state that isn't actively trying to kill her (unlike Massachusetts). And Victor continues to be, well, Victor, possibly my favorite of all my cousins. Which is good, 'cause he's now officially the most local of all my cousins, and failure to adore him might cause me some serious issues.

We walked up and down the whole street twice, turning it into a six mile day (minimum) before heading off to Sharon and Andy's for drinks and cupcakes and cake-cakes and dinner at Saul's, where I had a catsup and tomato sandwich with turkey on the side. (Not enough tomato, too much turkey. I am a sad bunny where food is concerned.)

All told, it was a deeply pleasant day, and I need a nap.

kate, good things, social life, family, walking, street pennies, friends, victor and lara

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