What the hell...?

Aug 29, 2008 13:49

Recently, I've been not silent, exactly, but a good bit quieter than is my norm. This has led to some really fascinating questions about what's going on -- fascinating because dude, I thought it was all pretty transparent! Still, here's the breakdown:

* Medical stuff! I had an epidural, my back doesn't hurt, I'm getting ready to start physical therapy, and wonder of wonders, I can walk again. I feel like I've been lost in the desert for a year and just got handed the keys to my own personal 7-11. I can totally have all the Diet Dr Pepper I want.

* Writing stuff! Mostly, you want to follow seanan_mcguire to find out what's going on with that (I'm happy to link there from here, I never link here from there; it's a thing). I try to update that journal on a regular basis, since it's, y'know, work rather than simply pleasure. (Not that I have a thing against pleasure, I just sometimes have to let it come second.)

* Cat stuff! Nobody's dead yet, but Nyssa isn't doing what I'd refer to as 'well.' Actually, she's doing what I'd refer to as 'poorly,' but continues to shamble endlessly on. I think she drains the life force of others to survive.

* Comic stuff! Scanner possessed by demons, film at eleven.

* Movie stuff! Dude, Death Race is made of so much awesome that it's a wonder people aren't catching on fire while seeing this movie. Eyeballs should be bursting from skulls and running down cheeks while their former owners weep tears of blood and fire.

* Travel stuff! I'm going to be in Seattle in September, Ohio in October, and Nowhere in November. Life is pretty good.

What's everyone been up to?

writing, life rocks, comics, movies, good things, social life, nyssa

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