My horoscope is...less useful this week.

Jul 23, 2008 08:17

Capricorn: I predict you will have 32 dreams as you sleep in the coming week. In at least five of those adventures, you will be offered a chance to wield a magic hammer like the one that belonged to the Norse god Thor. You're under no obligation to use it, of course. But if you do, it could help you smite dream adversaries, from stupid giants to evil ducks to rash-covered devils. You could also take advantage of it to build things, like a dream house or a dream boat. The proper use of the hammer will be a constant test, since you'll have to be ever-alert and adaptable as you decide whether to employ it for destruction or creation.

I'm sure this has some deep meaning that I could unravel if I really stopped to think about it, but honestly, who has the time? Plus, I am way too much of a Wes Craven girl, and when you tell me that I'm going to acquire some magical awesome spiffy-keen-o dream weapon, my first thought is 'so when is Freddy Kreuger planning on showing up?' I'm not sure I appreciate my horoscope telling me that a crazed serial killing madman from BEYOND THE GRAVE is about to start stalking me, although I suppose the early warning is nice. It's good to have some idea of what's coming, anyway.

Anyway, I'm still working on that whole 'learning to be patient' thing from a few weeks ago. There are moments where my inner Verruca Salt really just stomps her foot and screams 'I want it NOW!', and really, it's difficult to argue with her, especially when my innate tendency to distract myself from becoming frustrated with delays by working on more things which can then, yes, become delayed, leads to me getting snarled up in a vicious feedback loop. I can be patient about one thing. It's when I'm trying to be patient about fifteen that I get a little bit frayed around the edges. Twitchy cat is twitchy.

On the plus side, twitchy cat has an entire plate of heirloom tomatoes, and that's helping a lot. The nice thing about combining 'easily distracted' with 'fairly OCD' is that I can sometimes ooooooooo-shiny myself out of killing people with a machete. And that's good, as I might otherwise run out of people to lose patience with.

It is a slow uphill climb, the path to patience. Perhaps I can smash it with my dream hammer. Yes.

Smashing is good.

horror movies, perfectionism, contemplation, self

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