Dreaming in -- AHHHH ZOMBIES!

Jun 06, 2008 09:24

One clear image remains from my dreams last night, which were, on the whole, rather tangled and disjointed:

I am sitting on the toilet, trying to pee. Due to the zombie apocalypse, none of us are allowed to go anywhere alone, so Vixy is in the bathroom with me, resolutely focusing on the medicine cabinet so that we can pretend that I have some privacy. And then? A zombie shoves his head through the little bathroom window, going, y'know, grrr arrgh. Vixy does some screaming. I go 'crud, Brian found the window.'

Then I get off the toilet and start trying to beat the zombie's head in with the towel rack.

I'm sure this means something. It may just mean I need to clean my bathroom.

vixy, dreams, zombies

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