Too sick to die.

May 27, 2008 10:57

I am seriously too sick to die. Seriously. I've hit the stage of viral incubation where anything more strenuous than lying very still, occasionally breathing, and hitting 'play' to start the next episode of NCIS is just too damn much trouble to deal with. The cats are totally capitalizing on my condition, because the cats are bastards. I wound up with both of them on my chest, refusing to let me get up to change the DVD. As a result, I watched half of an infomercial, and now I want a blender.

Sadly, this isn't the sort of sick that does anything interesting, like causing me to break out in spots, throw up a lot, or melt. It's just making me congested and sniffly, a little dizzy when I stand, and completely exhausted. I slept twelve hours last night in my bed. And then at least an hour through an episode of NCIS. I say 'at least' because I woke up to find the DVD menu cycling at me, and there's no telling how long it was running before I regained consciousness. I managed to stay awake through the episode the second time through, at least. But still.

If I am going to be sick, it should be cool. Seriously, here, people. How is it that I get the world's most boring viruses? Turn me purple, o plague! Cause bats to follow me around entreating me to bring about the end times! Just leave me with the energy to get to the post office. (Someone sent me something via registered 'somebody gotta sign for this' mail. As I am not normally home to sign for things, or indeed, home when the post office is open for me to come pick things up, this is a bit of an issue for me. If I leave the house today, it will be purely to go to the post office.)

As I have used up my capacity for sitting on the couch, I will now sit at my computer, wishing for death and processing edits. Because even when I'm too damn sick to die, I can't stop working.

To quote Brenda: "I think there's somethin' wrong with me..."

illness, crankiness

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