May 05, 2008 07:49
So I was sitting on the BART train yesterday, chewing my way through my current re-read of IT like a particularly happy zombie chewing through the doors of a shopping mall, when I hit a little snag. Namely, I reached page 774, turned to what should have been page 775...
...and found myself looking at page 824. Which was, as Mia noted when I whined at her about it, a bit of a jump. I flipped through the rest of the book. The pages weren't bound out of order; the pages weren't there. I went back to page 774. Nope, not hallucinating; the pages were missing. Paperback error 404: files not found.
Cue swearing.
Sadly, I did not have a backup copy of IT with me, and was thus forced, upon reaching Berkeley, to seek solace at the Half-Price Books, where I acquired the new Meg Cabot (Queen of Babble in the Big City) and the new Stephen Woodworth (From Black Rooms). This allayed the grumpiness somewhat -- at least long enough for me to get home and snag another copy of IT. Which does have all the pages. I checked. Because once is funny, and twice? Twice is a rampage.
stephen king,