We have an Amy! Also, dogs.

Apr 25, 2008 07:31

We have an Amy! Well, specifically, right now, Kate and GP have an Amy -- GP decided to be a God Among Men last night, and picked her up from the airport -- as Amy is unconscious in their basement. I went to bed alone after Supernatural, and woke up accompanied by a redheaded fiddler. Now that, ladies and gentlemen, is what I call a take-out service.

(Apropos of nothing, it appears that I have finally mastered the spelling of 'unconscious'. It only took, I don't know, most of my life. Still, this is kinda awesome. Now I just need to stop starting sentences with 'and' all the time, and I'll be able to pretend I understand the rules of spelling and grammar.)

Tonight, I'll be meeting up with Amy and Chris in downtown Berkeley, where we'll have dinner before heading to the Tracy Grammer at the Freight and Salvage. (To tell you where my brain is this morning, I first wrote that as 'Fright and Savage', and didn't realize it was wrong until two sentences later.) Hooray for folk music! And, of course, tomorrow we're recording at Mystic Fig, where we'll be laying down the lead vocal tracks for 'Oh, Michelle' and 'Causes and Effects', and the fiddle track for 'Oh, Michelle'. (Hopefully we'll also be able to get the starting backing vocals for 'Oh, Michelle', since that's going to require pretty much an entire pool hall to do.)

And now: dogs. On the way to the office this morning, I encountered a Great Dane, three pit bull terriers, a Dachshund, something floppy and gray, and a gigantic wooly-haired THING that seriously looked like the result of mad science gone wrong. I asked his owner what breed he was; she said 'Muppet'. Honestly, I don't think that she was even a tiny little bit wrong. It's difficult to come up with anything else that dog could viably be. 'Muppet' probably works the best.

And that, for the moment, is that.

gp, pets, chris, amy, kate, concerts

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