Adventures in Siamese.

Apr 05, 2008 14:11

Lilly has decided that today is Annoy The Crap Out Of Mommy With Love Day. It's not an uncommon holiday in the Siamese calendar, I'm sad to say, although today has taken it to some rather impressive extremes. As I type this, she's sitting in my lap and leaning against my chest, so that she immobilizes me near-completely and can lean up to lick my chin with a minimum of effort on her part.

Ah, Siamese.

Being owned by a Siamese cat is definitely an adventure. Mary said recently that it was almost like living with a dog, and she was right; they're the most 'doggy' cats in the world. Lilly follows me from room to room, watching to see what I'll do. While she may not be on me constantly, she's near me, even when I'm doing things she regards as crazy, like walking on the treadmill or taking a shower. My cat wants to know what's up, all the time, period.

Cats like Lilly make me look at the people who say cats don't feel affection the way dogs do, and laugh. Also, sometimes she makes me want to get a goldfish. Because it would let me stand up once in a while.


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