Ways to start a day well.

Mar 07, 2008 09:48

I woke up four minutes before the alarm -- always a more pleasant start than the blare of sirens in my ear -- with the remains of a fascinating dream about a country divided by political differences and pandemic infectious leprotic cytosis lingering in my head. Even my dreams have nasty tricks of virology in them. Not that I'm complaining. Lilly had positioned herself off to my right, which meant I could actually get up without disturbing the cat. This was awesome. (If I can get out of bed without making Lilly move, she'll usually elect to be lazy and stay in the bed, rather than 'helping' me get ready for work. I get ready five or six times as fast when she doesn't 'help' me. 'Help' has some exciting definitions when it's provided by a Siamese.)

Thanks to the intercessions of the fabulous Kate -- more about this later -- my bedroom is actually verging on clean, and all my bags were packed and waiting for me. All I needed to do was shut off my computer and pack down my electronics. Hooray! Better yet, a quick check of my email revealed that I had received Newsflesh edits and commentary from the ever-lovely, ever-insightful Amy, whose email is a delight even when it doesn't come along with a bunch of insanely useful suggestions about the book that's currently eating most of my mental cycles. All hail Amy!

Yesterday was new comic day, and I picked up X-Men vs. Apocalypse, volume I: The Twelve, because really, how could I not? I spent my commute listening to Evil Dead: the Musical and catching up on one of the storylines I missed during my ten-year 'I am not reading X-Men, see, see, I'm not hooked, I can quit any time' attempt to free myself of my marvel addiction (it didn't work). This one was particularly fascinating because it's the start of the big showdown with Apocalypse that leads, inevitably, to the destruction of Scott and Jean's marriage. Being the big Scott/Emma geek that I am, that makes it awesome, even with the scary nineties hair and the costumes not even a mother would love. (For serious. Why is Warpath in skin-tight lavender spandex?! Something was wrong with their costume designers. Something was very, very wrong.)

Consonance starts tonight, and the happy anticipation of the convention means that my mood is good, my endorphins are high, and I'm gonna see Vixy in less than twelve hours. Less than twelve hours, here, people! Life, so very good. Today can totally stay.

What's awesome about your day?

proofreading, amy, lilly, x-men, good things, vixy, street pennies, life rocks, con prep, comics

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