Yuletide reveal, and what I wrote this year.

Jan 03, 2008 12:25

We've passed the date of the Yuletide reveal, and now I can admit what I wrote! Hooray! My story this year was 'Flowers for Barry Ween', based on The Adventures of Barry Ween, originally by Judd Winick. This was, without a doubt, the most obscure fandom I've ever written in -- a lot of comic fans have never heard of the title, much less people who don't read comics. But it's very, very worth it. Seriously.

This year was interesting partially because this wasn't the story I was originally planning to write. Seriously. I woke up to go to the bathroom at two in the morning, was getting back into bed, and thought 'oh, I should do this'. And I remembered it the next day. And it turned into my longest, most tightly and accurately plotted Yuletide story to date. So I guess sometimes the ideas you have at two in the morning are the good kind, huh?

I had a lot of fun writing this, and it gave me an excuse to re-read all the Barry Ween collections (there are four), so really, everybody wins.

Everybody...and SCIENCE!

fanfic, comics

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