Nov 20, 2007 10:44
Here are five totally random things about me which you may not have previously known. Because I like to share, especially when I get bored.
5. I switched from Dr Pepper to Diet Dr Pepper over the course of a single weekend. It helped that most of this single weekend was spent in the car, driving from the San Francisco Bay Area to Seattle (approximately seventeen hours, each way). At the start of the drive, I was gagging and whimpering. By the end of the drive, I loved the stuff. You can give yourself Stockholm Syndrome. It's awesome.
4. I have a phobia of pudding. It's not so severe that I scream and leave the room when I see people eating it, but it's bad enough that the texture of the stuff makes me gag, and watching someone else eat it can make me physically ill, if I don't keep myself distracted. This extends to hummus, oatmeal, and just about anything that could be used as the monster in a Science Fiction Channel Original Movie. 'Return of the Ooze'. Yuck.
3. I love spiders. I think spiders are awesome. I like to look at spiders. I once had a black widow in a jar on my desk. If a spider touches me, I will scream like a little girl and attempt to climb the nearest spider-free surface in an effort to escape. I am completely unable to force myself to touch a tarantula. I think they're adorable, but I'm sorry, no. That is simply not gonna happen. Glegh.
2. I don't actually like to eat most foods at more than room temperature. Most foods, I actually prefer to have served to me when actively cold. There are a few things that are improved by a certain degree of warmth -- potato leek soup, coffee, toast -- but as far as I'm concerned, they're in the minority. I even like chunky soups better when they're cold. Ironically, I am also cold all the time. This is why Kate laughs at me.
1. I have no idea how many people have my journal friended at any given time, and I actively don't want to know. I don't monitor people friending or unfriending me. Why? Because OCD Girl is OCD, and was starting to get neurotic about why people stopped reading. I started getting actively upset about Total Stranger Who Never Commented Once unfriending me, and that simply isn't healthy. Now, I never check those stats at all, and there's a lot less stress.
What are your five facts?