Affirmation for August 3rd through August 9th.

Aug 03, 2007 14:49

So this whole 'affirmations' thing went pretty well, and I've decided to go ahead and keep going. As I stated last time, Friday is the start of my personal week, so Fridays, I will find myself a new affirmation. My affirmation for August 3rd through August 9th is this:

I will remember that outside opinion has no power to change inside reality beyond the power that I give it.

What does this mean to me? It means that while I will continue to do my best to give things that are said to me their share of fair and valid consideration -- if you say my pants are on fire, I won't refuse to check them for flames just because I haven't yet felt the heat -- I will also refuse to let other people make me feel small just for the pleasure of doing so. You calling me names doesn't make me any less worthwhile as a person, and I refuse to let other people's small-mindedness force me to change the way I am. In the words of Edna Turnblad: "You can't stop my happiness, 'cause I like the way I am."

In case you missed last week's affirmation, it was:

I will endeavour to make every 'no' become a bigger 'yes'.

I'm still working on this one, and plan to keep working on it, because dammit, it's a good thing to work on. Eventually, I'm just gonna have a string of things to work on. This fails to upset me, although I eventually promise to cut-tag.

I am affirmed. Wanna affirm with me?

street pennies, affirmations, good things

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