Paul Kwinn is awesome, pass it on.

Jun 14, 2007 08:24

Paul Kwinn is awesome, pass it on,
The kind of guy who, when he's gone,
Makes you say 'where'd the awesome go?'
The kind of guy you want to know!

Paul Kwinn is awesome, yes, it's true,
And he can make you awesome, too,
For best of all -- beyond compare --
Is how much Paul Kwinn likes to share.

So Paul is awesome. I think we've established that. See, Paul is local to me, and is incredibly good about -- when I say 'hey, Paul, come play guitar for me?' -- agreeing to help me out on a wide variety of marginally psychotic projects. Most recently, he helped me with BayCon 2007 (con report still ongoing), by saying that sure, he'd just love to play guitar for me, in an hour-long set immediately after following his set with Taunya.

Paul is awesome. Paul is also a sucker.

Shortly after the convention, Paul asked me I wanted a recording of the concert. Golly, did I! So I responded with a smile and a squeal, and he emailed me the MP3s, which I finally managed to download last night. Ooooooo, sparkly.

Now, this is nowhere near as good of a live recording as the one on Pretty Little Dead Girl, which benefited from, I dunno, the gods themselves descending and blessing my engineer...but it's decent, and I can hear things to work on for the songs I'm also doing at Conterpoint. Putting guitar under the start of 'Counting Crows', frex, is really gonna help, since people didn't quiet down until almost the end of what's supposed to be a very punch-y song. And adding the conversational drop-ins to 'The Black Death', also going to improve it immensely.

Can I just note that I now have a recording of a whole room full of people chanting 'PLAGUE! PLAGUE! PLAGUE!' as part of an effort to get me to sing? I am the luckiest blonde inna wooooooooorld.

There were also some major successes. 'Cartography' sounds wonderful, as does 'Jack's Place'. Performing 'This Is My Town' live with Paul always makes me happy. There are a few dischordant harmonies in 'When I Go', but the recording, as a whole, makes me very happy. I have a decent recording of 'What A Woman's For' with Paul's drop-ins, and a new version of 'Vampire Slayer Blues'. Life is good.

I am happy.

baycon, good things, gratitude, filk, friends

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