Awake, alive, at work.

Oct 04, 2006 07:16

Despite being up until eleven last night as a consequence of the Veronica Mars season premiere party (graciously hosted by Kate, GP, and the Lil' Blue Kittuns), and getting up at five this morning (my first test of the alarm clock function of my phone), I am actually alert, alive, and wearing clothing. I consider this to be a victory for blondes everywhere, and proof that I win at life.

Fun facts about Seanans, #721: At five-fifteen in the morning, there is absolutely no barrier in my head between 'I should do that' and actually doing that. Which is a somewhat worrisome way of saying that I found a new route to BART from Kate's place this morning, when I decided, entirely at random, that I should skip the hill, walk straight towards where I saw a bike trail, and see what happened. This is not, on the whole, conducive to my winding up where I need to be, but it worked out for today.

Tonight continues my rampant streak of not having any damn time to write in the evenings and thus going slowly out of my tiny mind, as Amy has to be at the airport at seven, and we are, as a consequence, meeting Chris for dinner at Moonstar around five. I support dinner with Chris and Amy, dinner at Moonstar, and the combination of the two, but I think I'm spending all next week at home, hammering through the next four chapters of Rosemary and Rue before I actually go insane.

Fun facts about Seanans, #722: When rendered unable to keep moving through a story that won't shut up, the term 'cabin fever' begins applying to activities outside the cabin, not inside the cabin.

In other news, I am wearing my swanky thrift store Halloween vest, and while I lack Rae's sexy glow-in-the-dark fingernails, I have pumpkin-faced slippers to pad around the office in.

Life is good.

wardrobe, walking, writing, social life, veronica mars, commute

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