What's up in Seanan's world?

Oct 02, 2006 14:56

Thrill as I start to get all fussy and tense. Fussy. And. Tense. Why, praytell, am I so fussy and tense? Well...

* OVFF is right around the corner. It's really weird not to be essentially living for OVFF right now, after last year, but it's also relaxing, and I'm more than happy to hand off the panicky hyperactivity to someone else. Besides, it's not like I won't have a busy weekend -- I'm teaching my improv class again, sitting the juried one-shots, helping with Vixy's performance workship, singing in the Pegasus Concert, helping Paul in his concert, and wenching for Interfilk. Whew. I need a vacation from my vacations.

* England is also right around the corner, for slightly larger values of 'corner'. We're about to start having reliably regular rehearsals, and finalizing set lists, and all that other fun stuff. Also, there's the whole 'prepping to go to the UK' thing, and dealing with sorting out where I'm staying whilst over there, and making sure everything is good to go for recording.

* Also, recording. Yes, I am full of fuss and bother on this subject; yes, I intend to remain full of fuss and bother on this subject; yes, it's for a good cause. We currently have six tracks that haven't even been started, four of which are recording at places other than Flowinglass. Being fussy and bothered a) keeps me sane, and b) makes sure I don't forget anything. But since we're really heading into the home stretch, it's unlikely to decrease all that much.

* Writing. I am doing a major revision on Rosemary, while trying to keep Newsflesh and Lycanthropy actually moving forward. I didn't mean to have this much going on at once; then again, I never do. It always just, well, happens. I should be done with this redraft of Rosemary by the start of November, assuming nothing else explodes, and will then buckle down on Newsflesh. I'd like to hit draft by the time I leave for the UK.

* I'm really not sleeping. I go to bed, and then I become really, really good friends with the ceiling, since sleep just isn't coming with any sort of speed. When it finally does come, it tends to end far too fast, as I wake of my own accord at or around five o'clock in the morning. This? Sucks raw eggs through a straw.

* My room is a pigsty, and thanks to all these things and more, I keep not getting time to clean it, which is starting to make me fussier and fussier, because I don't know where anything is. I may have to call in dead from my social life sometime soon, and just clean.

And that is why, o best beloveds, your blonde is fussy and tense. Please play nicely for the next little while.

Thank you.

ovff, cleaning, writing, uk, self, sleep

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