Title: Where’s Waldo?
Rating: R, for language and sexual references.
Fandom: Veronica Mars.
Synopsis: Written for
buffyx's Veronica Mars Unconventional Pairings Ficathon, for
hobviously, who wanted tentative friendship, humour, and making fun of Veronica. Set after the end of season two, this has, by its very nature, a hell of a lot of spoilers.
Mac’s locked in her bedroom -- has been locked in her bedroom for three days now, all trauma and tears and consumption of the West Coast supply of Ben and Jerry's Chocolate Fudge Brownie ice cream -- and Veronica, of course, is locked in there with her... )
Good stuff, too.
Glad you enjoyed it! And uck, no.
Don't pay me too much mind here. It's late, I'm tired and about to go to bed, and just thinking aloud. (thinking a-type?)
There is a catch, however. A far, far higher percentage of shows today are wholly or entirely staff-written; there are very few slots available for freelancers to write for primetime. So this sort of audition is geared toward getting staff jobs (and/or the agent and/or manager who can get you staff jobs).
For those interested in genuine insider info, you could do worse than poking around in the back posts of tightropegirl's journal; she posts infrequently at best, but her show credits run from Profiler through The Agency and Tru Calling to House.
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