Hey, folks! As of right now -- where 'right now' is 'when I'm writing this', not 'when you're reading it' -- you have sixteen hours to
submit your Pegasus Nominations. As soon as it's midnight in California, nominations will be closed for another year. Alack, alas, and welladay! You've almost missed your shot!
Almost. But not quite.
Now, I've heard several people say that they don't feel they're qualified to submit a Pegasus ballot, because they don't know every little thing that's been happening with the global filk community. And to that, I say...no. If you know anything about filk, you know who and what you like, and that means you're qualified to nominate, and to vote! Congratulations! If you need your memory jogged, take a moment to
view the brainstorming results. Nominations are in no way limited to what's shown on the poll, but it may help you think of things.
(What am I talking about? Well, the Pegasus awards, given annually at the
Ohio Valley Filk Festival, represent the voice of the filk community. They let us say what songs, performers, and composers we love and want to honour every year. There's a
brainstorming period, during which we all go 'golly, wouldn't it be neat if _____ won a Pegasus!', followed by the
nomination period. After nominations close, a ballot is determined from the various votes, and is opened for all to use.)
So please, please, take a moment to
view the brainstorming results and
make your nominations for this year's Pegasus ballot, either by following the links above or by using the following URL:
http://ovff.org/pegasus/2006/2006nomballot.html The more nominations we get, the better the final ballot will reflect the desires of the global filk community, and the happier I'll be.
Please. Think of the filkers, and do your nominating today.