Today, our dog was diagnosed ( still waiting on blood tests ) with Lymphoma. He is 13 years old and I have had him since he was 4 weeks old and I had to nurse him with a bottle. Hes very lethargic, lost 4lbs quickly and is not real hungry. My dog, my best friend when no other friends or family were around, will probably have 4-6 weeks left. Unless we choose to give him chemotherapy, which isnt entirely out of the question cause it can put him in remission for a good year. However, my dog, who I often refer to as my son, has cancer. Was there something I did wrong? Did I cause this in him? Why coulndt he jusst be one of those dogs that goes to sleep, and thats it. Or drops over while chasing a ball. Will he suffer? At what point will I know he is suffering? Is he suffering now? Multitude of questions I just cant answer, and I can barely see the screen with the well of tears.
Leon and I are very upset. And it looks like... my days with my son, my best friend, and my family's protector... may be coming to an end.