LOST 3x02, Supernatural 2x03, CSI 7x04, Grey's 3x04, Heroes, The Departed, and Drinking

Oct 14, 2006 19:11

Hey you haven't seen me for a while!

- LOVE the Kate/Sawyer kiss! LOVED the way he looked at her before he did it. Oh man, Sawyer's so pegged :). And I LOVE how this is the first 'Kate' kiss, where she didn't freak out afterwards *victory sign*.

"You taste like strawberries."
"You taste like fish biscuit."

How cute is that! And then he called her "shortcake"!

- LOVE that we got another glimpse to the lives of the Koreans. That Sun is a liar and that Jin is strong on his wife make me appreciate how all of these survivors are flawed (and therefore human or 'real'). The death of Sun's lover was shocking though. But so now we know the baby's his right?

- LOVE the interaction between Jack and Henry/Ben (I could've sworn Juliette called him 'Matt' though!). The Red Sox bit was funny, but the fact that Henry/Ben/Matt(?)'s been living on the island all his life is so intriguing. WHO IS HE???

- I wanna know what happens to Eko now.

- "He's the only one who can call me Sammy." -> OMGSQUEE! Yeah. Dean/Sam. It's beautiful!

- Metallicar! And funkily-decorated motels! OMG, I'm so loving how the boys are back in their best :D.

- Amber Benson! I like how on the ep featuring 'kind' vampires, they made a big homage to Buffy by casting Amber Benson. She looked HOT! Now SHE would be the type of girl I could tolerate as Dean's love interest. Jo (Meg from V.Mars), on the other hand, was weak. Gag. No, get her out of my TV.

- What a sad episode! I seriously cried when Greg got beat up. That was just heart-wrenching! And then his scene with Sara afterwards... :( I think that made a Greg/Sara shipper out of me. I SO SO SO wanted Sara to leave Grissom and make Greg happy... I LOVED how he was still thinking like a CSI while he was beaten up and how his first priority was to tell Sara he got evidence. Awww... And then his speech about not telling his parents! This is me -> *tears up again*

- Nick covering Sofia as she approached Pig and Sofia holding a shotgun. Yup, loving that! Be won over by the beauty of Nick/Sofia people!

- Kevin Federline, yuck. What a perfect role for him. Psycho kids. I'm kinda like Sara. I blame them, not their environment.

- McSteamy! LOVE that he's in the cast now. I LOVE how he's now the big ass on the show (so that people can start laying off Alex). I LOVE LOVE LOVE how he smacked Derek on the face with the whole "we are the same" speech, because it is SO TRUE! Derek is so blindly self-righteous I want to hurl.

- Addison was such a goddess again. Talking to Meredith and telling Derek not to hurt her again. What. A. Class. Act. Seriously, I wanna petition to change the title of this show to Addison's Anatomy because she is fantastic.

- LOVE how Alex was ping-pong-ed between Mark and Addison. I bet he's gonna miss Addison too.

- Meredith and all her shit. URGH. I DO NOT CARE! WHAT A FUCKING MORON! Derek let her go so now she wants him and let Finn loose!!! GAH. The MCFUCKERS (Derek/Meredith) make me so sick I just want to fast forward all of their moments on the show. They're like Ross/Rachel from Friends, which also made me wanna hurl, because they KNOW they belong together yet they create all this unnecessary drama shit to keep themselves apart while bitching to every other person as they do so. Just shut the fuck up and get together already! JEEZ! I hope Addison/McSteamy give the McFuckers a run for their money. Please let there be Addison/McSteamy sexage ;D.

- Izzie. Hmmm... Yeah, I'm an insensitive bastard, but I never liked the Denny storyline. Although it would be totally unrealistic, I wish Izzie would get out of her slump already. Izzie, Denny would have wanted you to keep living your life!

I'm so excited about Heroes after seeing the previews for next week. Nathan/Niki -> That's gonna be hot! And Hiro updated his blog -> Hiro's Blog! LOVE this guy. Just too cute.

I watched The Departed on Thursday. Wow what a great movie. Top-notch acting from everyone. But, hey, what else can you expect from Damon/DiCaprio/Nicholson/Wahlberg/Sheen/Baldwin. The only chick was the weak link, but the boys did alright on their own. It was MUCH more violent and the dialogues much more filled with cursewords than the original Hong Kong Infernal Affairs, that this one was more black comedy. I seriously laughed at all the politically incorrect things they said. I didn't like the parts they changed from the original (the love triangle and the ending -> so American no?), but otherwise it was great. I still think the original was better because it was more heartfelt and it was anchored on this buddhist theme of 'hell on earth' which fit the situation so much, but The Departed was an almost equal, but non-identical twin. Watch it.

I went out drinking with a former workmate last night. I had three cocktails, but no dinner, so I was smashed like that *clicks fingers*. I was a bit fuzzy on the detail but the said workmate had to hold my hand and walk me home, I think. I passed out immediately at 9.30pm, but apparently I answered a call from my mom at 10.30pm. Honest to God, I do not recall answering the phone. All I knew was that I was asleep until about 1.30am, after which I decided to watch the new Supernatural before geting some sleep again. Was unable to for a while because I felt like hurling. Didn't, but was sufficiently sick that I vow not to get that hammered ever again. Or... at least eat something before downing three straight cocktails.

lost, life, movies, grey's anatomy, nick/sofia, greg/sara, kate/sawyer, csi, supernatural, heroes, tv, the departed, infernal affairs, nathan/niki, dean/sam

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