Okay, so I've disappeared off into the abyss for the last month or so...
Lots of development in my real life, but I don't feeling like getting into that for now.
I'm quite excited about all the TV shows returning. At the moment, I only have the occasional Psych to sustain me. Like everybody else and their cleaning lady, I think I'll make a
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You know, it's funny, I had a dream last week that you called me. And we talked in French for about an hour. It was pretty funny. :P (can't remember what we talked about though. :/) Anyway.
I hope these are good developments. *hugs*
I can't wait for my shows to come back, honestly. I'm at the point where I watch all the bad French translations I can get just to get a few shows. (Veronica Mars and SPN are my favorites! :P) As far as new shows go, I think I'll watch Fringe, but that's pretty much it. Of course, I'll probably change my mind halfway through the season like I always do, but we'll talk about that later. :P
I haven't really been watching tennis, but last weekend my dad was watching a "duet" match (can't find the real word, but they were in teams, 2 against 2), and I started watching with him. I laughed so much when I realised one of the teams was 2 brothers. My obsession follows me, it's not my fault! :P
Really like the new layout! It's very pretty and clear and light! :) I probably will be doing a layout change very soon... I'm actually thinking about getting something a little darker... anyway, we'll see!
And a really funny swearing technique is to swear in French when you speak in English. People usually don't understand, and it makes you look classy. It's very funny! :P
Haha, awesome. I speak fluent French in your dreams :).
The developments aren't bad... They're just sort of like things that make me feel like I can't mess around and be a kid anymore... I mean I am 23, but this is like, you gotta be a grown-up now sort of development. But don't worry about it, I'm handling it :).
Yeah, I'll see how the new season's going before I take up new shows...
Tennis... I think it's called a doubles match and I know the brothers you're talking about!!! They're American and they were #1 for a while (maybe they're still are). For the life of me, I can't remember their names, but I think they're even twins cause they look so alike! I think one of the reasons they're such a good double is cause they're brothers! I once saw them practicing and they did a rally (hitting the ball back and forth while moving bit by bit across the court) that lasted like 100 hits! Crazy.
Swearing in French... Hehe, I only know a couple of the really rude words (like the one starting with "Pu----"), so if you can tell me s'more less rude ones maybe...? ;D
I'm glad to hear nothing's too bad. :) (and you're never too old to be a kid, trust me. Life can keep telling you you're old and all that jazz, but as long as you believe you're young, you stay young.) *hugs*
I think they're the Bryan brothers? Or something like that? I didn't see them a lot (my dad switched channels at one point to watch golf... how boring! :P), but from what I saw they were good (if only I could remember anything from my tennis lessons, I'd be a much better judge! :P). I'm pretty sure that the fact that they're brothers make them a better team. Just like the brothers from my hockey team: when they actually play together, they're awesome. They must have a special connection or something. Just like the Petrellis and the Winchesters, obviously. I don't think this obsession is dying. Ever. lol
As for swearing, I usually use "merde" a lot (which is French for "sh*t", but not as rude, as far as I know). On the top of my head, it's the only one I can think of that's not too rude... the others I can think of right now are the ones that got me grounded when I was younger and used them! lol But I'll think about it (mainly, I'll see what else I say when I feel the need to swear! :P) and come back to you about it! :D
Young at heart, huh? *starts singing "Forever young... I wanna be forever young..."*
Yeah, I think it IS the Bryan brothers! Don't give up your brother obsession! It's so precious and unique and very YOU!!!
Ah, "merde"... Hehe, yeah, I like that one. Merci :).
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