The Bourne Ultimatum, Psych, Birthdays, & Book Meme

Aug 16, 2007 12:50

Alright, I haven't been around much, but I'm posting to let you know that I'm still alive and well, heh ;).

Latest thing I watched was... The Bourne Ultimatum

I am SO IN LOVE with this movie.

Well, with Matt Damon... *drools*

A good-looking actor, who's also oodles of smart and down-to-earth? Come on! Plus, he could not be any hotter here as Jason Bourne!

I love how he's so crafty, using his surroundings to continually evade the CIA and investigate his past. Lemme tell ya, James Bond and his gadgets look like a flippin' sissy boy compared to Bourne...

... whose real name was David Webb, dob: 9/13/71! And who was a Catholic (if my glimpse at his dog tags was correct --- incidentally, I didn't know the Army put your religion on your dog tags! Probably for burials, huh?).

I really think this final part of the trilogy was the best. The pace, the reveal of information, the SUSPENSE!!! Oh my God, I had to get a grip of myself during the whole chase scene in Tangiers.

Just brilliant :).

And, also, okay, I know that Jason was in love with Marie, who was killed in the second movie, but didn't anyone else think there was this subtext history with Nicky (Julia Stiles)? Yeah, I'm so shipping Jason/Nicky. The chemistry was there and I love how she was the last shot of the movie; her expression when the newscaster said they never found Bourne's body! I'd like to think he came looking for her after everything cleared out... :D

Anyway, great action-packed movie from a wonderful actor, what more can I ask for?

Thanks to alexwhitman25, I've also been watching Psych! As it turns out, my local TV does air it, but I think we're still way behind. I don't think I missed an episode though since the first one I saw was the one where Shawn first met Juliet. And the last one was the episode with the Civil War battle re-enactment. I really like the friendship between Shawn and Gus, though at first I thought Shawn was a bit of an obnoxious know-it-all, while Gus was too bitchy. Their funny kind of grew on me. I particularly LOVE the Juliet/Lassiter dynamic though... I don't really know why. She's cute and he's constantly in a bad mood, but I love them together :). All-in-all, just a very fun, almost-mindless, funny show... Kinda reminds me of Monk!

Because I haven't been around, I'm really sorry that I'm probably late in saying this:

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to agirloffewwords, equinoccio, and togoholic! Many happy returns!

I got the following from dexterette (btw, LOVE the name change!):

You're Siddhartha!

by Hermann Hesse

You simply don't know what to believe, but you're willing to try
anything once. Western values, Eastern values, hedonism and minimalism, you've spent
some time in every camp. But you still don't have any idea what camp you belong in.
This makes you an individualist of the highest order, but also really lonely. It's
time to chill out under a tree. And realize that at least you believe in

Take the Book Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.

Hmmm, I don't think I'm that much of an all-believer, but I think the Quiz captured my ambivalent mood at the moment. I'm at a crossroad, ladies and gents.

I'm supposed to write about something else, but I'm coming up totally blank. I have to shower anyway, cause it's already past 1pm (Yikes!). I haven't had lunch either, so toodles!

meme, life, lj, siddhartha, matt damon, movie, psych, tv, the bourne ultimatum, book

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