Holy crap

Feb 08, 2015 12:52

Hello, I just had a really obvious realization: I love working with pre-teens and teens. I've been a confirmation sponsor for a middle schooler, and now I teach a small youth group. I love working with queer youth, and young women, and in general I think teenagers are awesome.

Yeah, that's called a population of interest. (Um, I think.
staranise or
rachelmanija can correct me if there's a better term.)

I know at some point
staranise mentioned being worried in grad school because a lot of people would be like "I want to work with older adults with X problem" or "I want to work with male heroin addicts in Y setting" and she was like "umm...I want to work...with people?" Because that is what it is like when you want to work in trauma therapy.

It is obviously okay to have multiple populations of interest, and this idea may change. But I've been freaking out because I haven't had one in mind, and not in a "I will work with anyone! Because basically I want to work with anyone who can use this kind of intervention!" way. So, um, HELLO, WORKING WITH TEENAGERS IN A SMALL GROUP SETTING IS MY JAM.

I mean, I also don't know how that fits in with "community public health" as an area of interest, and "Deaf communities" as a population of interest. So I guess I have more of them than I thought I did.

But this smacked me over the head about five minutes ago, so I figured I should report on it.

(And I need a clever tag for my MSW, or for getting into social work/therapy/public health as a profession in general.)

comments at Dreamwidth. Comment there.)

!not-recs, placeholder tag for msw

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