Oct 05, 2006 23:15
This summer has been interesting. Graduated. Yay me.
Went down hill from there. Started having migraines. Every day. I would wake up wander half asleep down the stairs and would already be in miserable pain. It would last all day. Thought it had to do with the stomach virus thing I had at the time but it continued for two weeks even when the virus was gone. Went to the doctor, had me try some medication. Knocked me loopy, but didn't help the head. Got sent to a neurologist. Tried me on Amitriptyline, which is an anti-depressant that can be used to treat migraines. Worked....buuut I was sleeping for 22 hours a day. So he switched it to Nortrityline, which is the chemimcal that amitrityline is metabolized to anyway. Worked for a while, about two weeks, I wasn't getting headaches till late in the day. Improvement. Did an MRI and MRA which both were fine and then they did some blood work. It came back with a positive ANA test, which can show there is an autoimmune issue like lupus. To be considered a high antibody level it should be 80 or more, mine was 160. So sent to a rheumatologist. That appointment was last week. My only symptoms are migraines, nose bleeds and I'm not healing, like from my kitten's scratches and stuff. So they sucked out 66.5 ml of blood, over 2 oz. And she put me on plaquinil, which is an anti-malarial drug, though its most often used to treat auto-immune diseases, it generally helps all of them. So its been a week, and it seems the plaquinil is working, no headaches for the past few days, which is a double edged sword. If it works means no more headaches but it also means this is auto-immune and incurable and going to be an issue for the rest of my life, but if it decides its not working it means yay its not auto-immune buut they don't know what's wrong and I'm still hurting. I have an appointment again in a few weeks so hopefully more information then.
Need to work this out before I go to med school damn it.