
Dec 27, 2006 02:15

A big hats-off to the San Diego Union Tribune for their excellent reportage of late. Back on November 26th, they featured this story on the front page above the fold.

Scroll down... that's a photo of my dad, the headliner. I was happy with the U-T for putting my pops on the cover, even though he hadn't done anything particularly newsworthy.

Then there was today's fine piece of investigative journalism:

Yes, the lead story in the Health section was "breast augmentation surgery." A feature story about boob jobs, people! It was full of salacious details, such as women's sensitivity (often heightened; sometimes reduced in the nipple area) after the operation and the most commonly desired cup size (full C).

All I can say about this is that it takes a lot for a girl to want to cancel her subscription to the newspaper that put her father exactly one month ago. And yet...
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