Housing update x4

May 27, 2010 22:15

You guys're gonna get sick of me talking about this :P But it's what on my braaaaaain dammit! It has to come out somewheres!

Bid has gone into processing on said corner unit, from last post, but I won't hear until at least Tuesday, possibly Wednesday, whether it's accepted or countered or trashed in favor of someone else XP I have seen a couple condos since, and am having moderate second thoughts, except the condo I am currently lusting after is beyond my price range by about 15-20k XP It's not bank-owned, though, so haggling is possible... I'm just not sure if that MUCH haggling is possible :( Especially since it's only been on the market a few days, and so there hasn't been a lot of time for them to get desperate XP Though the realtor suggested lowballing just to see, I'm not sure how seriously she was thinking, and how good she thinks my chances are. I might have to ask her later.

But bidded-on condo requires cabinet redoing and paint. New-condo only requires paint, and only upstairs, and some open sockets closed up. And possibly a dishwasher :: makes greedy gimmie hands :: I'm at a very awkward height (read: very short) for standing at a sink to wash dishes XP It hurts my back. Hence, the desire for a dishwasher. Bidded-condo has an awesome view and is right next to the pool, so I can see if anyone's in it and go down when it's empty-- new condo is on the opposite end of the complex from the pool, but at the same time, will have no noise from screaming children IN the pool, either >.>

Have a shit-ton of places scheduled for looking at on Monday, since there's no work (yay three-day weekend, only at the same time boooo since I can't find out about first!condo until after it :( ), only way the hell out in Port Hueneme, which means otherwise affordable condos become unmanageable because of the extra gas I'd have to pay for XP There are some super-cheap ones out there (many in the same layout as the one I bid on and want to bid on, in Newbury Park, since that builder made a whole bunch of complex around SoCal), but I'm afraid their condition will be bad, hence the low prices.

Mostly, though, the waiting game is killing me =/ I know house-hunting is supposed to take a long time, but damn. If I wait I lose the condos! D= And if I rush I might bid on the wrong one =/ I suppose finding out how the in-depth inspection goes could cinch it on the bidded-on condo... but that'll be $400 that I can't get back, after I run it XP Mreh.

In slightly better news, I have my rp mojo on again. I might still be obsessing about housing, but I'm not shutting out other things, too ^^ Am also feeling dreadfully behind ;.; Trying to reorganize some of my scenes a little, to spread things out, but it's only a month and a handful of days until gameweek change in Conv, and I'm sooooo not 2/3 of the way through >.> Only about half done ;.; I might wind up needing to drop some. Sigh. Though some of them will also be a lot quicker, once I get some of the slowbie ones done that come first and affect them strongly enough to need to wait XP

What else is new... not much, really >.> My cats are brats, though I love them anyway. Work has been busybusybusy, since I've had a long project I've been working on that I finally finished today. Now I can go back to finishing my filing cabinets, ugh. They've been left hanging for a whole week now, which means the FILING hasn't been done for a whole week... and now it's month-end, so I have too much to do for MY stuff to really work on it until Tuesday. Gah XD

Think that's about it, for my life at current. Exciting, huh? :B

housing, rp, work, rl

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