Sort-of Book Review: The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger

Oct 13, 2008 21:58

Why sort of? Because I'm not done yet. I'm just a couple chapters away from the end, presumably the end where we find out how Henry's life ends. I was just finishing up the third to last chapter and I glanced at the datestamp for the next chapter ... and I froze. I knew -- I am absolutely certain I know how Henry dies, and I don't know if I can read anymore. I had to put the book down immediately. I am so against the ending I've thought of that it's going to take me a couple days to get over this. Then I'll decide if I can make it to the end. If it plays out the way I think it does, it's a horridly perfect ending. :(

So, I've put down my book after possibly getting upset for no good reason, and I start watching my TV tape, and the next show is Warrick dying on CSI. I can't win.

ETA: Hah! I was wrong. I should've seen it coming since we had already seen that scene before, but the thought of the ending I imagined was so heart-breaking that it overwhelmed my memory. Instead, Henry'd death is sad and a bit pitiful and entirely appropriate. But my way was better. ;D

However, that was not the end of the book. The end of the book was ... perfect. :)

the time traveler's wife, csi

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