Oct 01, 2008 20:40
This is one of my favorite French sayings, mostly because I can actually remember it offhand (more or less) but also because it's true of both history and character. Not so much of current events, though. If you're as ... let's say 'mature' ... as I am, you're probably both laughing and crying at our current politico-economic situation: laughing in a cynical "Oh God, oh God, we're all gonna die!" kind of way and crying in a mournful "Oh God, oh God, we're all gonna die!" kind of way. (Don't you just love that Whedon guy's writing? Applicable in every situation!) Anyway, that's because my life extends deep into the deeply deepish depths of history and I know better than to panic, whereas those who are without a lot of history and new to this situation are diving right into panic mode.
Do I think the American economy will collapse because of this crisis? Of course not. Do I think we'll go through some hard times? Well, since we Michiganders have already been going through hard times for half a dozen years now, I look forward to being trenchantly sarcastic about how, now that it's hit the Sun Belt and Wall Street, this is suddenly a crisis of epic proportions instead of something that's been building up -- and getting ignored -- for so many years. Or I would if I were capable of being trenchant, so instead I'll just go for plain ol' sarcastic.
In other news, did you know that medications can gradually stop working without any warning? So you take your medicine faithfully, compliantly, trustfully, and then one day you drop dead of a stroke? Well, hopefully not. We had to change my blood pressure medications in August because the combo I was taking had stopped doing its antihypertensive job but was still doing a great job of making my ankles swell up. Oh, the joy of side effects! So we changed one of the drugs and for the last 6 weeks I've had a headache.
For 6 weeks.
Not fun. And it wasn't helping with the ankle swelling either. So we adjusted it again today and hopefully this will do the trick. If it does I'll start feeling more like posting again and then I can figure out how to survive all the kerfuffle in my little corner of the interwebs.
More importantly, maybe I'll actually feel like doing some housework again. O.o
trenchant sarcasm,