Three recs: Fiction by Lex

Feb 15, 2011 18:46

so, yeah, i'm a bad fic pimp, i fell behind again... -_-

Dreams of the Waking Man: Ninth Nightmare
Hope befriends the Dork Avengers (most of them, anyway).

Title: Nothing Personal (sequel to Hired)
Author: Lex (, lex_munro)
Fandom: Cable & Deadpool/Avengers/Dark Avengers (AU: Earth-339)
Pairing: Nate/Wade, with some background Daken/Lester and Karla/Mac
Characters: Wade, Hope, Irene, Weasel, and the Dork Dark Avengers (in varying amounts)
Warnings: Earth-339. a little slash. reference to mental illness and the use of controlled substances. sci-fi. world-go-boom. language: pg-13 (for f***, s***, and g*ddamn). (slightly too foul-mouthed for work?)
Quote: "It’s nothing personal, you know that, I just have this thing about ending up on any particular side of a war."

Read Nothing Personal at Lex's deviantART Gallery or at Lex's LiveJournal


Dreams of the Waking Man: Tenth Nightmare

Title: Tactical Advantage (sequel to Nothing Personal)
Author: Lex (, lex_munro)
Fandom: Cable & Deadpool/Avengers/X-Men (AU: Earth-339)
Pairing: none/gen; (background Emma/Scott and Nate/Wade)
Characters: Wade, Nate, Emma, Tony, Luke, Schmooples, and Simon Trask, plus minor appearances from Scott and Clint
Warnings: Earth-339. sci-fi. world-go-boom. Schmooples (who is apparently a warning unto herself). language: pg-13 (for f*** and s***). (worksafe)
Quote: "A shame about your eatht coatht. That didn’t have to happen, you know."

Read Tactical Advantage at Lex's deviantART Gallery or at Lex's LiveJournal


Fateverse Side Story
one of the Auditor's last jobs.

Title: Reloc (sort-of prequel to Read Error and The Auditor)
Author: Lex (, lex_munro)
Fandom: Cable & Deadpool/Avengers (a Fateverse AU)
Pairing: implied Steph/Tony and implied Nate/Wade
Characters: Wade (the Auditor) and Stephanie (fem!Steve)
Warnings: AU - Fateverse (AR Bundle). sci-fi. technobabble. rampant bad 616 references. reference to multiple AU character deaths. some rule 63. hints of het and slash. language: pg (primetime tv). (worksafe)
Quote: "Reloc 99712: Stephanie Stark GF904 to replace Stephanie Stark-Rogers YS209. Bundle Keeper has been alerted to your operation."

Read Reloc at Lex's deviantART Gallery or at Lex's LiveJournal

[x-posted to marvel_slash]

character: deadpool, fiction, team: x-men, rating:pg-13, recs, character: weasel, character: irene, rating:pg, character: cable

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