so, yeah, i'm a bad fic pimp, i fell behind again... -_-
Dreams of the Waking Man: Ninth Nightmare
Hope befriends the Dork Avengers (most of them, anyway).
Title: Nothing Personal (sequel to
Author: Lex (,
Fandom: Cable & Deadpool/Avengers/Dark Avengers (AU: Earth-339)
Pairing: Nate/Wade, with some background Daken/Lester and Karla/Mac
Characters: Wade, Hope, Irene, Weasel, and the Dork Dark Avengers (in varying amounts)
Warnings: Earth-339. a little slash. reference to mental illness and the use of controlled substances. sci-fi. world-go-boom. language: pg-13 (for f***, s***, and g*ddamn). (slightly too foul-mouthed for work?)
Quote: "It’s nothing personal, you know that, I just have this thing about ending up on any particular side of a war."
Read Nothing Personal at
Lex's deviantART Gallery or at
Lex's LiveJournal --
Dreams of the Waking Man: Tenth Nightmare
Title: Tactical Advantage (sequel to Nothing Personal)
Author: Lex (,
Fandom: Cable & Deadpool/Avengers/X-Men (AU: Earth-339)
Pairing: none/gen; (background Emma/Scott and Nate/Wade)
Characters: Wade, Nate, Emma, Tony, Luke, Schmooples, and Simon Trask, plus minor appearances from Scott and Clint
Warnings: Earth-339. sci-fi. world-go-boom. Schmooples (who is apparently a warning unto herself). language: pg-13 (for f*** and s***). (worksafe)
Quote: "A shame about your eatht coatht. That didn’t have to happen, you know."
Read Tactical Advantage at
Lex's deviantART Gallery or at
Lex's LiveJournal --
Fateverse Side Story
one of the Auditor's last jobs.
Title: Reloc (sort-of prequel to
Read Error and
The Auditor)
Author: Lex (,
Fandom: Cable & Deadpool/Avengers (a Fateverse AU)
Pairing: implied Steph/Tony and implied Nate/Wade
Characters: Wade (the Auditor) and Stephanie (fem!Steve)
Warnings: AU - Fateverse (AR Bundle). sci-fi. technobabble. rampant bad 616 references. reference to multiple AU character deaths. some rule 63. hints of het and slash. language: pg (primetime tv). (worksafe)
Quote: "Reloc 99712: Stephanie Stark GF904 to replace Stephanie Stark-Rogers YS209. Bundle Keeper has been alerted to your operation."
Read Reloc at
Lex's deviantART Gallery or at
Lex's LiveJournal [x-posted to