Bought more jam at the farmers' market--another four jars. I still had two left from last time, but the farmers' market will soon be concluding for the season, and basically the whole point of jam is that it keeps. I got ginger apple and raspberry jalapeno at the Land of Oos, and cranberry orange and cherry rhubarb at the Summer Kitchen.
I also got some red peppers and two butternut squash, although neither of them is as impressive as the $1.50 squash that was twice the size of my head.
E. from my program, who helps run a girl scout troup, says that they use acrylic yarn in a lot of their craft projects, so I may get together a bunch of the cheaper stuff that's just eating up space in my apartment and give it to her. Actually, I could bring it to the party we're both attending this evening. I should do that. It's the karmic circle of yarn,
kiwikat. :p
I've done one rectangle for my poncho. I kept having to switch gauges and pull out stitches and things because I wasn't sure exactly how I was doing it, and it was really difficult because the yarn is so furry and it's hard to SEE stitches a lot of the time, but I think the second rectangle should be a lot easier now that I know what I'm doing. The big challenge will be getting it to come out the same size as the first one.
I need to go to the gym.
Also, please keep those bodysuit recommendations coming. I will add that I'd like a selection of dark colors: dark blue, dark green, burgundy, eggplant, black, wine--stuff like that. Long sleeves, snap crotch. Turtleneck or scoop neck. Preferably no more than $20, but if you know something that fits all my other requirements, I'd still like to see it.
Finally: I found a Dead Can Dance-esque electronic version of "Cruel Sister" by Ekova on Limewire last night. AWESOME.