(no subject)

Jul 18, 2005 20:57

Ah, this morning at approximately 4:15, Tim, Steve, and me returned home from the Intonation Music Festival. Mind you, I had summer school in less than four hours, and this two day festival left me literally sticky, covered in dirt, dust and grime, and a combination of cranky and completely in love with everything, and a shower was very necessary. So, we're talking around 5:00 being my bed time. We had missed the 10:30 p.m. train because our cab driver brought us to the wrong train station at 10:25 (and we didn't realize until we left the cab and checked out the huge Metra station), so we were stranded only a few blocks away from the correct station, which would turn out to take an hour and a half to find. By the way, we were each incredibly miserable, walking in very poor walking shoes, producing blisters and cuts, for miles searching for this phantom station.

What I ate on Sunday:
-Apple Turnover from Arby's (absolutely NONE of their meals had a lack of meat. Even their salads. I just shook my head in shame, trying not to lose my temper, and walked away knowing I was going to starve for the rest of the day)
-2 pieces of Gum (hell yes)
-Probably a gallon of water (delicious. I'm boycotting soda, by the way)

I've come to realize what a picky eater I've come to be. I feel like I'm inconveniencing people, but hey, they're inconveniencing ME with their misguided meat-eating ways. Is is really that much of a sacrifice to do without little scraps of meat on half of your pizza for once? Must people always put chunks of meat in every single dish? People have been bringing food for my mom this week, and every single dish has had meat in it, and very many could have easily been done without meat, such as this rice dish, which was deliciously flavored with seasonings and flavorings, and what not, but they put a bunch of chunks of chicken in it, and also a pasta salad filled with a bunch of delicious veggies and fruits and pastas, but they decided to give it a little kick, and top it of with a layer of bits of bacon. And picking out all of the meat, and then throwing it away sort of defeats the purpose (ZOMG WHY DON'T YOU JUST EAT IT, THEN AND STOP COMPLAINING)

But anyway, they're nice people for bringin' those dishes over and everything.

You know what?

Trying to eat healthy really seems to inconvenience a lotta people. And that's truly sad

Anyway, that was a pretty poor argument, I admit

So, back to the concert

I think that The Wrens and The Go! Team really gave it their all while performing, moreso than the others. They really put forth a great big effort getting the audience involved in the set.

During Andrew Bird, Molly and I weasled our way through the crowd, as everyone scurried about between sets and what not, and we made our way to the complete.front. The only downside was our 4x4 inch square of room when we made it. There may have only been about twenty people waited for four hours in there spots (there were two stages alternating for each band, and every other band was at this particular stage, so we stayed there a total of four hours, because, there was an hour to wait for the other stage to perform, then watch the wrens for an hour, then wait another hour for the other stage to perform, then be entertained for another hour for the decemberits. I'm so eloquent with my words, aren't I? While waiting, I said outloud that I wish I had a Gameboy, or an iPod or something of the like, then all of a sudden, one magically appeared in my hands. Some girl was like, "You can use mine." And so I did. But anyway, we got up close and personal with our surrounding 4x4 square inhabiters. One guy we met later asked me and molly for our email addresses: California_Jones@yahoo.com and Helvetica@yahoo.com (PHONY) That was definitely a highlight.

I should post pictures of our insanely close quarters.

And my god.

The Decemberists.


Despite the several, several thousands of silly indie kids, The Decemberists, with their absolute power over all of us, managed to get every single person to sit down on the ground in their little 4x4 inch area. Uncomfortable? Yes. Inconvenient? Of course!

I tried to snag a video, but I was too excited, and it turned out looking somewhat like the Blair Witch movie, or something.

They were so good. I just wish I would have listened more to their new album, because lots of their songs were from Picturesque.

But anyway

On our way to Union Park (we had to walk two miles) we think we passed through bizarro world:
- Meat industries, as far as the eye could see
- A car garage stacked with buckets over buckets of skinned pigs, heads and all
- A four foot Dandelion
- A garage packed with hundreds of Mercedes, yes, in the middle of Meat Street, wtf

Bizarro world. Man. It has really let itself go.

Do you ever begin to associate the feelings you have for a place with the people who frequent that place? First semester spanish was so intensely detestable, and soon I began to hate every single person in that room.

I pretty much hate this entry.

I'll def. LJ cut it.

:( I feel sad now

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