Time for a release of my pent up thoughts. I've been so caught up with my life: school, work, social life, school, work, social life - I'm exhausted. I'm nearly halfway through my degree and I'm struck by the realisation that this might not be exactly what I wanted. So now I'm stuck, halfway through, having to hold out until this hell is over.
Anyway, I caught Snow Patrol Live at Fort Canning last night. It was just... too awesome. Gary was perfect; he was funny and his voice... was perfect (for a lack of a better word). The moment the band came on stage, I started having goosebumps, and my goosebumps stayed up throughout most of the night. That was how awesome they were. SingFest '08 used to be my favourite gig I have attended, but now Snow Patrol wins, hands down. I was nearly in tears by the end of the night. I was just so overwhelmed with watching such a great band perform live, you know? It's just one of those moments in life. My words alone just can't really bring out how I felt at the concert last night.
Recently I've been feeling really caged up. I know I am misjudged, and misunderstood by a group of a people in my life. And I just feel so stifled, but I can't really do anything to change it, because I know that everything I do is just wrong in their narrowed mindset. I don't feel a need to explain my actions to them. But I still need an outlet, so here I am.
The thing about me, well, my view of life is rather unconventional. I'm a firm believer of living life to the fullest; a believer of carpe diem. So what if don't conform? Just because I'm a little more wild than the rest of you, it doesn't mean that I'm bad. I very well know what is right and wrong, and what is good and bad. I know what I'm doing and I know when to draw the line. And yet, every time this particular looks at me, I can almost hear her self-righteous, judgmental thoughts.
Don't you just hate self-righteous people? People who have a faith, and who preach about what is right, and what is wrong, are just so pretentious. I have friends who practise a certain faith, but who are also blatantly breaking some of the rules of their faith. It is also these people who are always picking on the way I dress, the way I behave.
So here's my question: What makes you the good person, and me the bad person? I do believe in a God, but I am of free-will and so there is no “code of conduct” which I am obliged to follow through. Technically, I'm not breaking an rules, since I don't follow any rules. But you, you proudly preach about your faith and yet you are the ones blatantly breaking the codes of your practices. Shouldn't you be the “bad” person? And there you are, talking abut repentance because the world is ending. How pretentious of you.
Older people like saying how corrupt the younger generation are these days. But then comes the rebuttal: who was the generation who raised us? Who allowed the media to taint our little minds just for the sake of profits? For the sake of fluffing up your fragile life? And you blame the youth for being corrupt.
I am who I am. I do not commit arson, do not take drugs, don't smoke. I consume alcohol in moderation and party in moderation. That does not mean I'm a bad youth. Just because you are too deep in your comfort zone, too scared of taking risks, too close-minded to have a life, does not mean that I am bad.
I hope you get that into your narrow field of vision and into your pea-sized brain.