Apr 29, 2009 19:31
Ah, fellers.
I have really been trying not to be a judgmental shitbag. Honest. But sometimes my teenage self rears her bushy-haired, acne-ridden head, and I fail spectacularly. Gack. She's cropped up several times in the last month, and I really should just keep the old jack-in-a-box locked for the time being, and shoved it to the bottom of the wardrobe.
So, uh, I would like to apologise if I have been overly stuffy, or prissy or judgy mcjudgerson towards you guys, for any reason. I really do need to stop going into bossy big sister mode (geez, there's an eldest kid for you...), and keep trying to protect everyone, and keep holding y'all to my own ridiculous standards. I've got my values, you all have yours, and that's that. No-one died and made me your mother, so I'll just pop back to my little Taylor Swift video where I belong.* ;P I'll keep working on it.
In the meantime, Rock of Love needs to die. Now. Anyone up for a mission over to the US and A to kidnap Bret Micheals and lock him in my wardrobe with my sixteen-year-old jack-in-a-box, so that he and his little gang of porn stars Barbies no longer sully our TV screens, and make a complete mockery of dating and relationships? Let me know by the end of the week. ;P
* Actually, I do kinda like Love Story. *HIDES* Matt and I even sing it to each other when it comes on C4. And the video is kinda sweet. *sigh* Such a foul excuse for a pretentious Indiefuck is I.
crap music,
crap tv,
ezza you're an arse,
embarrassing former lives,
ezza you're a selfish pillock